Friday, September 20, 2013

Super easy hair styles. Check out this video for hair styles you can do in 5 minutes or less. Yeahhh for easy hair styles.

Tips on How to Make Hair Coloring Last for as Long as Possible

So you have recently spent a considerable amount of money on dying your hair and you want to make sure that the color does not fade away before you can impress people with your new look. The best way to prolong hair dye color is to simply avoid washing it regularly. A lot of people make the mistake of washing their hair immediately after it has been dyed. Don’t make the same mistake! Wait for at least 24 hours before you wash your new hair. On top of that, don’t wash your hair every day. Every time you wash your hair with shampoo your new hair color fades a little bit. Wash your hair every other day and the dye will last for a very long time. Pay attention to the type of shampoo you use! 

Once you are finished filling your hair with bubbles, condition it properly, and let the conditioner sit in your hair for at least 1 minute before rinsing. If you follow the advice in this post you will be able to make your new hair color last for a significant amount of time and you won’t need to worry about returning to a hair salon for a while.

Piercing Video

Wondering where and what to get pierced?

How to Pierce Your Own Lip Safely

DIY piercing has been around for a long time. It is much cheaper than heading to a piercing store to have your lip pierced. But if you want to pierce your lip it is highly recommended that you know exactly what you are doing otherwise you could seriously hurt yourself. The first thing that you will need is a lip piercing to fill the hole when you are done. Buy a silver lip piercing; the silver won’t irritate your skin. Once you have your lip piercing ready it is time to for the scary steps. 

Now it is time to get to work. Before you start tinkering with any needles make sure that you thoroughly sterilize the needle that will be puncturing your skin. Next, use a cotton swab or tissue to dry your inner lip. Most people assume that piercing your lip from the outside in is the right way to pierce your lip but it is not. Not only is it more difficult to puncture your exterior skin but you could accidentally poke your gums if you are not careful. Pierce your lip from the inside out – it is much easier. Make sure you know exactly where the needle will come out. Next, either quickly puncture your skin with the needle or use ice to numb your lip before you pierce it. Most people prefer to use ice and puncture the lip with one quick movement in order to get it over with quickly. 

If you want a professional to pierce you lip (which we recommend) just do a search in Google for Piercing+City+State and you will find plenty of piercing businesses. If you happen to live in Medford Oregon I would recommend Cuttin Up.